Lee Jae Wook talks about the reason he chose to play 'Baek Kyung'

Lee Jae Wook revealed the reason why he was attracted to 'July Found By Chance' Baek Kyung and his sincere thoughts about the character.

Lee Jae Wook said: "Baek Kyung has a lot of pain and a rough personality, while I'm bright and positive person. However, I don't know why but I was attracted to his different color and I thought It will be fun to act as a different person (from myself)."

He added: "Baek Kyung is not a hard and rough person but he just can't expression himself and has a strong possession, he is a soft person inside." He expressed how hard he is working to express Baek Kyung's inner aspects. "I found a lot of projects with dark atmospheres and I studied a lot. In the process, I studied a lot of emotions and expressions, and I worried about how to express Baek Kyung with my own color, so I hope you can watch it when it airs."

'July Found By Chance' confirmed to air on October 2nd on MBC.

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